What SCARES you? Spiders, being on an elevator with a stranger, or taking out a second mortgage? Life can be SCARY. In fact, scriptures say some iteration of "fear not" literally hundreds of times. What then, do we do with all of this FEAR?
Enter Courageous, one of EM GVL's partners in ministry. From their website:
"Fear manifests itself in our lives with many labels, such as anxiety, depression, anger and addictive behaviors. Many well-minded counselors will help you "work" on correcting your issues or undesirable behaviors. At Courageous, our goal is to journey with you in discovering the liberating power of Christ's presence within you. By design, only He meets our deepest needs and longings. His perfect love dispels the fear in us that literally fuels our issues. Courageous living is a journey. It's learning to "walk" by faith. It's how "we" walk too, and we want to walk with you."
Michael Chalmers, founder.
Founder Michael Chalmers has dedicated the past 17 years of his life to full time ministry in discipleship counseling, teaching, and training. Additionally, Michael has been an active member of EM GVL, offering his services to enrich community gatherings and shape our future curriculum and even opening up his beautiful home for events. We are grateful for Michael and his ministry and look forward to continuing in this great work with him!
For more information go to: https://courageouswalk.org/