We long to see Followers of Christ who live deeper and see further.

Deeper in God’s story.

Deeper in their own story.

Further into their unique role in His Kingdom.

Further into His vision for the Church.


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We are a people who choose to Live in Community.

Life in Christ is life with his people. God reveals his glory through the very body of Christ, so that where two or more of his people are gathered he is present with them. We believe that our ministry and mission must flow out of who we are as a gathered Kingdom people.


We are a people who seek to Partner for the Kingdom.

Our Communities are part of a big Kingdom. We desire to forge deep friendships with other leaders and communities that result in greater unity and impact for the glory of God.

Every member of East Mountain commits to serving another Kingdom partner with their time, talent and treasure. We especially seek to encourage and strengthen those in leadership positions.

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We are a people who seek to Make Disciples.

Our calling is to be a sacred space for others to learn to follow Jesus. We desire to walk with others, helping them to become people who abide deeply in Christ, love their neighbors, seek to play their part in the Big Story with intentionality, and disciple others for the glory of God.

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