Ministry Projects
Constant change in our world requires the ability to see needs and respond quickly. In all opportunities, we seek to create spaces for people to encounter the love of Jesus.
The Welcome Project
We have started the Welcome Project to respond to the needs of Afghan refugees who currently find themselves as sojourners. Our hope is to create a community of kindness and hospitality that will respond to the current refugee situation and see Afghans have the ability to Arrive, Survive and Thrive in the US.
The Iron Collective
Recent studies suggest that 40% of pastors and leaders are considering leaving their positions. This is due to stressful demands of their roles and the isolation that comes with it. Our discipleship journey is dedicated to providing pastors and leaders with space to experience God’s grace in the context of community.
Rising Oaks
God has blessed East Mountain with a retreat and training space. Rising Oaks is named after the vision for its guests to develop the same wisdom, strength, and endurance as the oak trees that surround them. We long to see people encounter God, one another, and their bigger purposes in the world. Learn More
Our Leadership
Billy Dempsey, Director
Billy is responsible for providing care and support to our global community site leaders. He is currently working to curate tools and resources that will not only assist current communities, but help to launch future ones.
To financially support Billy and his family, please find more information here.