A Place of Transformation


In March, we shared with you that our rally cry for EM Carolinas has been, “Ready to Receive!” We have been preparing a space to be used for God’s kingdom work. This was started in faith since we had no way of knowing who would call or what needs might arise.

For me, this approach has be difficult. We are conditioned to value a life/work strategy that is planned to maximize strategic potential. I like to have a full picture of what we are doing and why it is important before I take action. I want to make sure that every step has a clear purpose. However, this isn’t necessarily how God works. He invites us into a relationship of trust where we might not see the full picture or even what the next step will be. He asks us to become followers and, for me, this is where faith grows.

If I was an original disciple of Jesus, I would have been frustrated a lot. Like them, Jesus might have been frustrated with me. Oftentimes, when Jesus was frustrated with his disciples, it was because they were trying to understand Him instead of follow Him. Part of our transformation happens when we move from the head (understanding) to the heart (trusting and following).

While getting the East Mountain Carolinas property “ready to receive,” there were times when I would get frustrated. I would look at all the work we were doing and wonder if anyone would show up to enjoy it. Like Jesus’s original disciples, there was transformation in my heart that needed to happen before the space could be transformation for others. I needed to stop trying to understand the full picture of what God would do with the property and simply trust Him.

I am thankful that God doesn’t skip steps with us. That place of frustration was a gracious gift that became an invitation for greater faith. God continues to be gracious. He has already allowed us to see a glimpse of how He wants to use the property for His kingdom purposes.

Two weeks ago, we got a call on a Monday morning from a ministry leader in Charlotte.

He said, “I need to get away for a few days to reset and connect with God.”

Our response, “The house is yours.”

This is the posture we want to have at East Mountain. God has given us this property. We want it to be a space we can generously share with others.

The next day, this leader was settling in for two days of rest and refueling. This was his message to me, “I LOVE this place! Thank you for making this available!

What a gift that we have to offer.

That same week on Thursday, six pastors and leaders from our Iron Collective discipleship cohort came to the property for 36 hours. After months of Zoom calls together, this face to face time was so rich. While the time was short, God used that space to allow leaders to detach from the demands of their work and connect with God and each other. As each leader returned home, they were already thinking about when they could return.

We ended the week by hosting two families who had served with East Mountain in South Africa.

It was a busy week. The best kind of busy. God was giving us a glimpse for what He is up to.

Why is all of this significant? A recent survey of Protestant pastors by the research firm Barna Group found that 29% said they had given "real, serious consideration to quitting full-time ministry within the last year."

Another article suggested that one of the big missing pieces for many ministry leaders is a lack of friendships where they can truly be themselves. They need what every human needs. They need money to live. They need fun. They need to cry sometimes. They need friends they can trust with their deepest thoughts.

This is why we have started the Iron Collective initiative. It is a space for pastors and leaders to find friendship and encounter Jesus together. This is why we are doing whatever we can with the resources we have to offer transformational spaces for people to gather and experience God’s great love for them. It might be a physical space like the property in Greenville or a prayer garden in Scotland. It might be a relational space like our Iron Collective group or monthly work days. It could be your kitchen table with neighbors. God is not limited by our understanding of His ways. He is inviting us to follow Him with hearts that are awakened by His love.

I can’t wait to see what He does next amongst the people through East Mountain.


~~ Billy Dempsey with Kate, Rush, Finn & Locke (above)

Men’s Iron Collective - cohort #1 South Africa staff Reunion at EM Carolinas