Invest in Cultivation Options for East Mountain Carolinas

EM Carolinas cultivated blueberries & figs plus two interns our first 9 months. We can’t wait to see what grows from your good gifts.

EM Carolinas cultivated blueberries & figs plus two interns our first 9 months. We can’t wait to see what grows from your good gifts.


One time Project-Based funding Opportunities:


● Provide plants for one of our six flower beds. Helps to create a space of beauty for those visiting.


● Add one piece of furniture to a room in the Retreat House. Helps EM move one step closer to creating a restful space for people to encounter Jesus.

● Add a set of tools or equipment needed to maintain the house and shape the property for years to come.


● Sponsor one leader to attend an East Mountain weekend discipleship experience.

● Stock the fridge and bless a ministry team during a weekend discipleship experience.

● Plant the front pasture with wildflowers to help grow a space of beauty and rest for all to enjoy.


● Build an outdoor contemplative space at the farm to provides a space of beauty, quiet and rest for weary individuals. (A bench, fire pit, and two Adirondack chairs)


● Furnish and decorate one bedroom at the Retreat House to be utilized and enjoyed for years to come by ministry workers, veterans, local under-served leaders --and hopefully you!

● Custom made table to increase our table fellowship space. Give another $1000 for matching chairs.


● Sponsor an entire team for a weekend discipleship experience.

● Bring life and laughter to the property! Build a fence and add livestock to the back pasture of the farm.


● A journey of peace begins. Build a walking trail around the property that slows people down and draws them closer to the Father. Resting places for prayer included.

● Help EM set the table for fruitful conversations. Remodel the kitchen and living spaces to better host large gatherings.


● Provide a free retreat 4 times each year to an under-resourced church or ministry leadership team.

● Send five leaders on a pilgrimage to shape their inner life with Christ and launch a year-long development cohort.

● Bring personal retreat space to our property. Build a tiny home or yurt to grow our experiences.


● Purchase first tractor to cultivate the soil and souls on the property. FUNDED-11/30/2020!! ~~Many thanks to the three amazing donors that funded this and the one amazing guy that made the ask.

● Help create an environment for learning on the EM property by transforming the garage into a dedicated classroom space.

● Build an outdoor chapel in the woods of the EM property. Create a sacred space for generations of visitors to enjoy.