What does “East Mountain” mean?

Throughout the scriptures, the “mountain” is symbolic of a sacred space, one where God invites His people to be with Him. In this space, away from the business and noise of the world, God gives perspective and purpose. The mountain is a place of rest, a place to receive vision, and a place to be sent out. We imagine East Mountain communities serving as similar spaces in the world today, spaces where Christ-followers can come to rest, connect with God and others, and be sent out to pursue the work of the Kingdom.

The “East” in our name honors the reality that the vast majority of Christians live in the non-Western world, and the fact that our faith has roots that began in non-Western culture. We desire to look beyond our own context for biblical examples of robust Christian life, community, and ministry.

Did You Know?

The Eastern World is experiencing the largest growth in percentage of Christians.

Who will walk alongside them as they dive into life with Christ?

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